Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New News

So, yesterday I signed away my life and bought... a car. It is a 2009 Hyundai Elantra GLS. Now, don't get me wrong; I love my new car, and I got a great deal on it, and all that. BUT. I have the sinking feeling that I'm never going to finish paying it off. I don't love that feeling, to be honest. Anyway, looking forward, I need to name my car. I would appreciate name suggestions from you all, so here are some pics of my new friend. If you come up with the name I use, then I will be very grateful, and I may even make you a treat.


Who Knew . . . said...

My first thought was Sally. If you want an M name though how about Mary?

Katherine said...

It's really too bad Bloomer Bob is taken. You could name it Lascivious Jr. or Sir Wheels McGee. What about Captain Snappypants? I think I'm going to name mine Lord Rothschild. (Sorry, you can't have that one!) (I also planning on naming my next pet that, actually.) You could go with George Kostanza and name it Six. Or what about Speedy McFastPants? Or Bob? Ooooh, how about Megan Marie Mason's Merry, Magical, Magnificent, Mellifluous, Mercurial Motoring Machine? You could make a bumper sticker so people address is properly.