Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Help Me, Daniel Wilson! You're My Only Hope.

I often go outside and think, "If I had a blog, I would totally blog about this." After all, I DO live in New York City, home of oversized fruit and undersized models. And oversized rodents and undersized apartments. And also... well you get the idea. So, now I have a blog. So, here's something mind boggling that I've been mind-blogging:

I suspect that a boy in my school may be a robot. Preposterous, you say? Not so, say I. Remember that tv show in the early '90s called "Small Wonder," where Vicky was a robot modeled after a real girl? She tried to blend in, but was kind of stiff and monotone. Almost every episode was built on the premise that she would take commands literally and end up getting into one scrapulous scrape or another. Classic. Right?

Then there's every robot movie ever made. The robots are always smart (usually too smart), a little awkward, and go by initials (like R2-D2, per say). They have mad skills, as seen above by Toyota's new musical robot.

Wow, this is pretty trippy. As I'm blogging, I'm ever more sure that there is a robot among us at Juilliard. I mean come on, that IS TOTALLY the perfect place to go. No one would notice! No joking now... he hits all the criteria. He goes by two initials that sound suspiciously like R2. He moves kind of stiffly. He has a very robot-like head (see above). He plays the violin with his mad skills. And when you ask him a question, there are these weird little red and green lights that flash around inside his head, almost like he's processing something. The answer may take anywhere from 3 to 67 seconds to appear, and it is unceasingly methodical and. . . . WHOAH DANG. Kind of freaking myself out here. I hope that I have beyond-a-shadow-of-a-shadow-of-a-doubt convinced you that I am mostly right by now, though. Since I am most definitely probably sort of totally maybe right, I think it's important to prepare ourselves in case Hollywood was also maybe sort of unintentionally intentionally correct as well. In this vein, I have provided a link to a very helpful study manual. Read it with caution. Or hot chocolate. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's true... 3 M's ARE better than one.

But... one M is better than none. Sorry all you M-less people out there.

A note of explanation as I start this so-called "blog." I would like to say that I am responding to extreme peer pressure here, and as I am a "joiner" I felt it was imperative that I join the cool kids.

As a now "cool" kid I would like to tell you about myself. I am 5' 7". I am totally and completely awesome. I may or may not be best friends with Alec Baldwin. And I have three M's for initials.

This last fact has always been a source of considerable amusement for the people around me. First they see that I have two M's and I get nicknames like "MeyMey," "MegaMaso," and "Hot Stuff" although I have no idea where that last one comes from. Then the alliterative fun continues as they find out that my middle name also starts with M. For some reason, I get a lot of mileage out of this. People cannot get over the fact that I have 3 M's in my name. Go figure. Many ask if my parents "meant to do that." I can only assume that they knew what they were doing, although I have yet to ask them this apparently important question.

I must pause here to ask the age-old question, "What is in a name?" You see, I happen to be very punny, and my name really truly contributes to the possibilities of puns around me. I also happen to love alliteration. It rocks. But would I have this fascination if my name wasn't alliterative? Also, I have a goal to gain as many M's as possible. By the time I finish my Masters of Music, I will have five. Then if I marry someone whose last name begins with M, that'll be six. Magical. Or you might say, megical.