Monday, September 14, 2009

Riting Skillz

So, a few years ago, at the instigation of my good friend Lady L, (you know who you are!) I began writing a musical called "How to be a Villain," based off Neil Zawaki's book of the same name. In it, each character parodies a well-known character from existing musicals, and they sing and dance about to song. Because that's what they do in musicals. (10 points if you can tell me the reference for the last two sentences!) Anyway, my parodies have gained in popularity, as in, now a whole 10 people know and like them, and they've found a proponent in the form of J.A. This summer I received an email from a middle school music teacher, friend to said J.A., asking if she could use my words in her upcoming school concert... in Colorado! Crazy. We struck a deal, and she's going to have her kids sing them sometime this year. I'm even getting paid a little bit for it! That's awesome, because I couldn't actually publish anything without getting sued, probably. So I guess the moral of this particular story is that obnoxious round objects get the attention.