Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ack! Eek! Ewwwww!

I went by South Davis Jr. High, and on their billboard thing (what ARE those things called!?!), there was a sign that filled me with what can only be described as the heebie-jeebies. It said, "pieces of original gym floor for sale." Yu-uck. Just thinking about the hundreds of stinky, smelly, sweaty, teenage feet that have tromped all over that floor makes me squirm endlessly. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.



k nelle said...

Totally gross! (I'll bet some of the faculty want some though, and maybe the cheer squad.) Just kidding.

Marquis? Is that what they are called?

Katherine said...

I think pieces of a gym floor are only good for making another gym floor. Or burning in effigy.