Monday, April 5, 2010

Shimmy, Shake, Make an Earthquake... what I wanted to title this post, but then I realized I didn't want to quote Shania Twain. Ever. Oh well. It's been a while since I've blogged. I was thinking about this the other day. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about. On the contrary, I've spent the past month doing very blog-worthy things. Hmm.

But I'm back. As the title would suggest, I just survived my first California earthquake. It was a 6.9 down in Baja, and by the time it made its way to us, it was about a 4. Not huge, but kind of long. It was enough to rattle me, especially when we all went outside and watched the neighbors' glass windows rippling and the water sloshing around in the pool. It's definitely the biggest quake I've ever felt, but it was over quickly and didn't do any damage, thankfully. Interesting.

The rest of my time in CA was great. I got to spend Easter with family for the first time in many years, and it was nice to be with them. I also took my four-year-old nephew to Disneyland. We had a great time, and I taught him about April Fool's jokes. His parents can thank me later. :) I didn't, however, shatter any kids' hopes and dreams this time around. (See here.) So, it was a successful outing.

I also got to play in a wonderful concert. My friend Brandon called me to play in a new oratorio composed by his brother about the Savior's visit to the American continent. (This story is told in the Book of Mormon, for those who don't know.) It was a great opportunity, and I think we'll be seeing a lot more of Brett Stewart. Pay attention. He's amazing.

So, Happy Easter/Conference/April Fool's/Spring to all.


Katherine said...

I just noticed that I'm not listed as "Katherine" under your "A List" - HA! I like it. I do! I wish you'd stop causing earthquakes, though, Megan.

Elizabeth Downie said...

I've never felt a major earthquake but it seems like it would be really nerve rattling. Glad you survived. :)