Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome a New Year

Home = awesome.

Just thought you should all know.

Happy New Year to all my dear friends and family. I like to start the new year out with a laugh, so here's a story that will perhaps bring one to you:

My nieces are hilarious. While they were home, they passed a restaurant called "The Mad Greek," which was unfortunately missing an r. One of my nieces consequently thought the place was "The Mad Geek." Several weeks later, they came to Utah and saw a restaurant of the same name. She said, "Oh! There was an r missing! Now I get it."

My other niece thinks for a minute and says, "The Madder Geek"?


Elizabeth Downie said...

I would LOVE to eat at a place called the Mad Geek. Hilarious!

Katherine said...

You do NOT want to run into the Madder Geek down a dark ally. Happy New Year to you, too!

Jessica said...

Haha, that's great. I love your nieces. Happy New Year to you Meg!