Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some Days You're the Bug...Today I'm the Windshield

I've had many surprises today. One was bad: I came home, opened the door to the apartment building, and thought "wow, that really stinks; someone's fire alarm or something is going off, and it's LOUD." Turns out, it was mine. And it wasn't something so simple as a fire alarm. Someone had broken our door buzzer, and managed to break it off, and the buzzer was crying out in all its sadness for us to help it. It didn't stop. I called the super and then left the place. Thankfully, he rescued me (he is the SUPERintendent after all), and by the time I got home it was fixed (inside, we still no longer have a doorbell. Awesome.). Bad surprise. It made me feel like this lady. (see illustration)

On the upside, I got a call from my brother-in-law saying he was in town for some work meetings and would I like to meet for dinner. We went to Lombardi's Pizza (America's first pizza parlor or so they claim) and Rice To Riches for dessert (Coldstone but with rice pudding--- only in NYC). It was a real slice [ba dum bum ch]. I never get a chance to talk to him one on one, and we had a great time. Good surprise.


Elizabeth Downie said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! (The dinner, not the buzzer.) I like the name Rice to Riches ;)

Jessica said...

Okay, I love the picture of that old lady, it made me laugh really hard. and out loud. and you're awesome. and I'm glad you at Coldstone rice pudding. and pizza. and hung out with your brother-in-law. who's name escapes me. i miss you.

Katherine said...

I have that EXACT outfit. How embarassing!