Friday, February 12, 2010

Now I Know My ABC's

So, over Christmas, I was playing a game with the fam, and it turned... as it does so often... silly. But it got me thinking; children are our future, after all, and it's about time someone stepped up to educate them. And that person should (not) be me.

Since I've had this epiphany, I've put it into action. So prepare yourselves. I'm talking fuzzy slippers, roaring fire, and a mug of hot cocoa, because it's story time. Sit back and relax and read this fun and educational story I like to call...

Baby's First Political ABC's

A is for absolutism: the awesome exercise of complete and awesomely unrestricted power in government.
B is for Blagojevich: inspiring story really... you can be a total creep and still get a reality show, even if your political career goes down the tubes. Proof that it's good to keep your options open.
C is for California: lots of votes- keep in mind when choosing a spouse.
D is for Camp David: ka-ching!
E is for electoral college: though they say your vote counts...
F is for filibuster: worked for Mr. Smith, works for you. First rule of politics- you don't need to have anything to say. Just keep talking.
G is for gerrymandering: securing votes by changing electoral boundaries to your advantage.
H is for "Hiking the Appalachian Trail."
I is for impeachment: let us learn from Johnson and Clinton.
J is for juggernaut: a massive, inexorable force that seems to crush anything in its way.
K is for katie courick: she may seem innocent, but she has a dark side. Just ask Sarah Palin.
L is for lobbyist: morality is a tricky thing. So is taking favors.
M is for me: which is what politics are all about.
N is for North Korea and nuclear bombs.
O is for outlays: monetary expenditures. See "P."
P is for presidential perks: limo, airplane, helicopter, house, food, billiards, pools, parties, staff, protection, library, retirement... all this can be yours if the price is right.
Q is for quota: some things take precedence over being qualified.
R is for right wing: pick a side and stick to it, unless of course it becomes unpopular.
S is for speechifying: Can I get an Amen!?
T is for think tank- I always picture those guys with big foreheads.
U is for unaffiliated voter: the underdog's best friend.
V is for vice-president: because everybody needs a scapegoat.
W is for White House: Welcome to Pennsylvania Avenue. We've been expecting you.
X is for politics x: Danger, danger.
Y is for youth of America: they're our future. If only we could get them to pull up their pants.
Z is for zoo (a.k.a. DC): where the politicians live.

1 comment:

Lex said...

I think I'm going to have to print off a copy of this for little Sprout. Gotta educate them while they are young!!! (There is nothing quite like when your daughter's first word is gerrymandering. I mean I do live in Washington, right?)