Thursday, July 30, 2009

Top 10 Things I Saw Last Year

I'm moving on to a new life phase, and it's been quite a year, (speaking in the "revolves around school" sense), and so I'd like to do a little review...*

10. Niagara Falls. I'd put this higher, but it's the 2nd time I've seen it. This time, it was from the USA side, and we went on the "Maid of the Mist," which was awesome. This is an incredible natural wonder, and I highly recommend it to anyone.
9. I conducted once again in Maine. (sigh, I heart Maine) It was kind of awkward and really pretty hilarious, but it was nice to see the support of those around me. All the conductors got a kick out of my attempt, and I remembered once again that it's cool for me to do that... once a year.
8. I got to spend all sorts of time at the Smithsonian this year. Some highlights included Abraham Lincoln's special exhibit, Julia Child's kitchen, Kermit the Frog, the Star-spangled banner itself, WWII propoganda posters, and Whistler's Peacock Room. I love DC, by the way, and the last trip included the bonus of seeing my friend Alexis get married and seeing my old friends Ashley and Stuart. Pretty great trip!
7. Florida. Oranges off trees. Golfing. Golf carts. Massages. Gourmet cooking. Quartet.
6. Above all else, I will miss the art and the Park in NYC. I spent many, many hours walking through Central Park towards Museum Mile last year. On one of my last days, I went to the Met Museum, and I cried because I had to leave it. I still get monthly emails from the MoMA, and it makes my heart frowny that I can't be there. [sigh]
5. I went to see "A Man For All Seasons" on the second night of the run. My friend got me an amazing ticket, and we both absolutely loved it. Frank Langela was the lead, and it was a stirring, thought-provoking performance. Broadway is one thing I'll definitely miss about NYC.
4. Juilliard Commencement. I'm done. [insert smiles and rainbows here]
3. Tesla Quartet premier recital in Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center. Big doin's, and it was a fantastic experience.
2. Have I mentioned how much I love Maine? After spending three delightful weeks there, I spent another several days traveling down the coast, from Bar Harbor (pronounced bah-ha-bah) to Boston. The coast is amazing, and we saw things like Plymouth Rock and lighthouses and ate lobster and stuff. All good.
1. I kind of really sort of absolutely love my family. So, enter the cheese, they have to go at the top of the list. As much as I travel, I love coming home the best, especially when everyone is there. I'm lucky to have them.

*The order of these things is subject to subjectivity. The order does not necessarily reflect the views of the author or readership.


Jessica said...

I love you and miss you. Your blog is awesome.

Katherine said...

Yay number 2! Yay number 2!!