Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When the Future Looks Bleak

So, this spring I am graduating from Juilliard with my master's degree. I'm going out into that great big world to see what I can make of myself. I will constantly be expanding my horizons and living "the dream" and... BY THE HAMMER OF THOR!!!
I will have 2, count them, TWO degrees in viola.


This realization has given rise to some serious thought. Seriously. So thoughtful. Anyway, I realize that I may never actually have a job that pays actual money. And therefore, it might be a good idea for me to learn how to do some things by myself, thereby avoiding that tricky "paying the professionals" thing. Now, I realize I may not be the only one in this situation (pretty please) so I'm starting a new section on my blog. Every Week (maybe "Fix It" Fridays?) I will feature a very practical solution for those everyday needs. If you'd like to weigh in or email me with some pesky problem you've been having, I will also attempt to solve that for you. Just call me Madame MacGyver. Anyway, stay tuned for installment numero uno.

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