Saturday, November 1, 2008


Everbody! Everbody! Happy Novemberween.

So... to the business at hand...

For the start of a spooky month (spooky because I'm turning 24!!!) I decided to make up for the fact that I did nothing Halloweenish yesterday except watch a half hour of "Ghostbusters" before falling asleep. I will therefore reveal to you all (all one of you who will probably read this) just how classy I am.
Here it is folks. The graveyard edition. I've noticed that people will put just about anything on their tombstones. I actually think this is pretty awesome, because I like it when people have personalities. I think I'm going to put "Oops." Wouldn't that give people something to think about. Here is a stone that I admit has given me many whole minutes of thought:

Don't you want to know the story? What on earth happened? Who was this woman? Did she pick out her headstone? Did her husband? Seriously. I WANT TO KNOW.

Okay, here's another that I can't vouch for as real, but I kind of love it nonetheless.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?! Who ARE these people? Just how much "personality" do you have to have to warrant a headstone like this?

So, my question is... what would you put on your tombstone? I know that this is a semi-morbid question. However, I think if you are actually reading this, you know the spirit in which it is intended. Nothing except the most inappropriate, ahem, I mean, Appropriate way possible.


Jessica said...

"If only they knew..."

Boy, that would get people's brains ticking!

Elizabeth Downie said...

Hahaha, ok, I can't come up with anything, but I have to say that "she was her husband's cozy comfort..." is still making me chuckle. What the heck!?

Katherine said...

Here's one I found that I think you'd appreciate:
On a cemetery in Hartscombe, England: On the 22nd of June - Jonathan Fiddle - Went out of tune.