Monday, November 3, 2008

Maybe My Mother Was Right

So, the CIA ain't got NOTHIN' on me, foo.
Explain? Why yes, I will...
Last night was the first time I have ever felt threatened in New York. It will forever now be known as the "Apple Cider Incident," or possibly the ACI. So. I am on the institute (a special church program for young single adults) council, and last night I was in charge of getting 5 gallons of apple cider, four spice jars, three large pots with lids, two massive packages of cups, and one me down to 15th Street and 7th Avenue for the CES Fireside with Bishop Burton. Now, I knew there would be NO way I could go the public transportation route, so I decided that I could carry all of this stuff up two blocks to Broadway to hail a cab. I was feeling particularly Helen Reddy (see so I piled all the stuff into 6 garbage bags and made my way outside. About half a block away, I began to regret my decision. Luckily, I ran into two friends and they bailed me out (and chewed me out), carrying some of my stuff and hailing a cab for me.

Unfortunately, I got a joker cab driver who a) hit on me (grrrr) and b) took me the long way around. I got back at him though. I didn't give him my number. OOOOhhh. Take that!!! Anyway, this is neither here nor there, so I'll get back to the story.

So, I went. I saw the fireside. I showed that apple cider who was boss (with an orangey, cinnamoney, clovey twist) and then I decided to haul the now four bags back up to my apartment on 95th Street via the subway. Read on:

There was a crazy man sitting on a bench. He kept staring at me, so I moved behind a column. He moved to keep staring at me, so I moved again. Thankfully the train came then. I walked up to the next car so I would be able to get away from him. Unfortunately, the train moved a little slower than I would have liked, and he followed me on, sitting down on the same bench as me. GREAT. Just great.

So, I was pretty freaked out by this time. You know, girl, late at night, alone, lots of bags, pretty weak when it comes right down to it. Thankfully, I have some pretty good dodging skills, so at the next stop (34th St. to be exact) I got up to try leaving my new "friend" behind. He got up too, to follow me out. Seriously. The guy would not leave me alone! I was lucky enough to weave through the crowd and hop on the subway car just over right as the doors closed, thereby making it impossible for him to follow me in. Wew! I was super paranoid the whole way home after that, though.

Now, this is the first time I've ever felt threatened in the city. When people ask, I tell them that I feel very safe here. This experience has opened my eyes a little, though. There were tons of people around, and I'll bet some of them observed the guy following me. No one said anything though. I'm just greatful that I was aware of my surroundings and had the good luck to get out of the situation. I don't know what could have happened, maybe nothing, maybe something terrible. I guess I'm glad that I paid attention to promptings within myself that told me to leave. Just something new to think about.


Unknown said...

I would have peed myself. Seriously. You are a brave person.

Elizabeth Downie said...

Jeez louise, I'm glad you're safe!!! Maybe he just wanted the cider?

Katherine said...

That's it, Megan. I know you've fought it before, but I didn't get you those nunchucks (sp?) and the holster for them to collect dust in your closet. Time to break them out and show NYC who's boss!