Tuesday, August 3, 2010


According to Sylvia Rosenberg, I am a "cracking good" violist. That's really cool if you know her.

I saw a Lotus on the street the other day. Oh. My.

The drive from my condo in Snowmass Village to Aspen takes me along one of the most beautiful roads ever... Owl Creek. It is home to mountain glens and dales, horse farms, and an elk preserve. The other day, I had to stop for several minutes while a herd of elk mommies and babies hopped a fence. One of the babies couldn't get over and was crying. It was heartbreaking and oh so adorable.

XM Radio. 'Nuff said.

I just fell back in love with "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." It is just so full of truth, light, love, and innocence. What an amazing masterpiece.

I've also discovered that Aspen's fancy restaurants have amazing bar menus. Yesterday's masterpiece was scallops to die for. The other day? Alaskan King Crab Legs for $14!!

Like I said, Amazing.


Katherine said...

Mmmm...elk. Yummy. ;) JK! I much prefer buffalo.

Amy said...

Ok, I kind of want to move to where you live and I want to drive on that road you mentioned. And I want to re-read Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Love you Megs!!