Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Favorite Places In The World...So Far

I'm sitting in Aspen right now, waiting to go teach a bunch of middle school kids. Yesterday my fellow Teslas and I put on an assembly for the third grade class. It went great (other than the unfortunate faceplant by a little girl we asked to come up on stage... no worries, she's okay now), but I keep having to remind myself that I am an adult and old enough to do assemblies and teach middle school. I still feel like I'm ten years old most days. Anyway, this has brought on a wash of sentimentalism, and I've decided to make a list of some of my favorite places in the world. Some of them are more exotic than others, and they aren't in any sort of order, but they're all near and dear.

I spent a week here, eating fresh pea pods and strawberries at the amazing outdoor market, dancing down streets (seriously), and laughing. It was my first discovery of another country, and it opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at the world. There were many other amazing stops on this trip, but I remember comfort and excitement here.

I went there (for maybe the 60th time) during the last week I lived in NYC. I cried because I had to leave my museums. So sad. I have spent many, many hours in this museum, feeling overwhelmed by the talent and spirit inherent in the place. I love it, partly because I still haven't been into every gallery, and I don't even know how many times I've visited. I have to mention the FRICK COLLECTION while I'm on this post. It is art the way art should be seen.

Best. Trip. Ever. Katherine, Elizabeth, Doug, Jon, Jason. Love you all. I've been other times, but that time was priceless. Spooky graveyards, hiking beaches, lighthouses, House of Flavors, Sven the Austrian model, all good.

Odd choice, maybe, but it is one of my favorites. Cars mean road trips. And those are the best. I have seen a lot of the country by car. Some highlights: the Spam Museum, the Badlands, Craters of the Moon, the Corn Palace, Church history sites from New York to Missouri, Alien Beef Jerky, Pacific Coast Highway, the coast of Maine... and the list could go on and on.

I have spent the last two summers here playing for the Medomak Conductors' Retreat. I've made lasting, meaningful relationships, learned a lot about music, and spent a lot of time on the lake. I learned that canoes are my favorites. It's pretty darn delightful.

Is that the abbreviation for Montana? Oh well. I love this park so much I lurve it. It was while there a couple years ago that I decided my new goal in life (besides becoming Queen of Bollywood): to visit all the national parks. I have barely made a dent, but it WILL happen!

So, these are just a few of my favorites. But they are meaningful favorites. What are some of yours?


Katherine said...

I'm so happy Ludington made it onto the list!! It really is the best, and we really did have SO much fun that time!! Sigh. Some of my other favorites are: the New England coast (sigh again!), and anywhere Megan is. So... Boulder. Miss you!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

Cute Megan! I just read this even though you posted long ago...I'm surprised Oly High didn't make your list. :)Now I want to go to the metropolitan museum of art!

MMMegan said...

The Met is truly fantastic. I would recommend it a little at a time, though. Go for an hour or two. If you do go, let me know and I'll tell you what you can't miss. :)