Sunday, October 25, 2009

I Try So Hard... stay on the straight and narrow. Tonight= utter failure. It all started when we set up a small house concert for some friends of our teachers. When we showed up at 5:30, my 2nd violinist and I immediately groaned... drat! A cat. We are both super allergic, and so our 1st violinist gave us both an Allegra, which he takes for his allergies. About 20 minutes later, my heart started racing and things got blurry. Then I started giggling uncontrollably. Then I started crying, then giggling again. My quartet-mates began to be concerned when I stopped being able to stand up straight without swaying, and my eyes got really bloodshot. And then we played a concert. For total strangers. And my teacher who I hadn't seen in a month. Who were sitting three feet away. Wow. Then we mingled and I had to answer questions that were barely making sense to me. I really hope I didn't say anything too weird, but I have no idea. As we were deciding whether or not I was safe to drive home, I sobered up a bit and just got really tired. Don't worry, this blog post is proof I made it home. However, everyone in my quartet, as well as my viola teacher and academic advisor, have decided it's rather hilarious that I played a concert high as a kite tonight, so I don't think this will die down anytime soon. Well, at least I stayed away from the champagne!


Jessica said...

BAHAHA, I LOVE your stories :O)

brooklyn Norton said...

hey megan! you found me! yay...hope all is well with you:)