Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mariachi Mama

It's official... school is in session, and I am a doctoral candidate. So. Weird. I don't feel nearly old enough to be getting my DMA, and to prove it, I'm planning on spending my upcoming landmark birthday at Disneyland, pretending I'm still six. Shouldn't be too hard, as that's about where my maturity level is these days.

A lot of you have asked me what my program entails, so I will enlighten you. Today I rehearsed with my quartet, met with the dean to talk about art history (I mean... my program...cough cough), chatted in hallways, ate lunch, and then went to mariachi practice. That's right... I said mariachi. What else would provide such a perfect foil for those long hours of Beethoven and Ligetti? The whole quartet is in the class (that's right, I'm getting credit!), so it should be downright awesome. Or, as they say, realmente impresionante. On other days, it looks like I will attend my one class and rehearse with my quartet. Some more. So you see, it's a tough program, and you should all take me very very seriously. See that you do.


Jessica said...

Haha, I love you Meg

malia said...

you are so funny. i love the way you write. OH and I miss you!