Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back By Popular Demand...

Remember many months ago when I had a series running through the blog of "How to's"? Well, in light of recent events I feel compelled to bring back this series, starting with...

How to craft a disscompliment:

What is a disscompliment, you say? It is the ever-useful, very special art of forming your words in just such a way as to make someone feel complimented and completely eviscerated at the same time. You all have met, I am sure, some staunch supporters of this type of wordcraft. They can be found in every classroom, workplace, and grocery store. Real connosseurs of this type of wordsmithing can carry on the process undetected until later, when the receivers have a strange mix of conflicting emotions to carry through the day.

So here are some prime examples of this subtle syntax:

1. "Wow, you are much better than I thought you were! I wasn't sure how you played when I heard you before, but I'm so pleased! You are so much better than I thought!"
2. "You look so put together today! What is the special occasion?"
3. "You know what I like about you? How comfortable you are with just being yourself. You really don't care what others think, do you? It's great to see someone who can just be weird without caring."

Any questions? It's now your turn...

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Wow, that sure is a vibrant green you've got going in your background. It's nice that you're not afraid to use a color that so resembles gangrene! ;) (Kidding, of course...) Love it!